Friday, February 22, 2013


                                        -by Pema Choidar

*      Souls retreat post twilight,

            Leaves rustle, float and flew,

            Curtain-raiser to windy night,

            Made the cold night so blue.

*      Insects clitter in the dark,

           Pelingchu purrs down dell,

           In the distant village, dogs bark,

           In the cool night, dew fell.

*      To faraway friends, thoughts fly,

            Body in the bed, mind elsewhere,

            Under the blanket, breaths sigh,

             Eyes close with last prayer.

*      Soft whisper wakes me to life,

           There she is like a light beaming,

            Her silky hair, my faithful wife,

            With winsome lips, eyes gleaming.

*      In her arms embraced tight,

           Smothering me with her kiss,

           My loneliness she puts to flight,

           To sleep in her arms is Bliss.

*      Somnolent moment unravels the fate,

            The starry night brings this boon,

            Opening the windows, I shall await

            The next midnight tryst, Miss Moon!


-Written to celebrate the Beauty of the Night at Decheling, Nganglam.

Published in the Bhutan’s National Newspaper ‘KUENSEL’ in February, 2004

Reproduced for Knowledge Management Course, M.Ed, Mahidol University, Thailand










  1. when we learn to appreciate the beauty of everything, we become an artist in our own way!

  2. Truly said. Everyone is an artist in one's life.
