Wednesday, February 27, 2013

illusory moments spent in stupidity!

              BRIEF ENCOUNTER   -By Pema Choidar

Ø I lay awake amid the darkness,

        Drowning in my bleeding heart,

         Parched for mind to be complacent

         Pining since we’ve been apart.


Ø Hard for hearts to know the Heart,

         Or what lurks in limpid eyes,

         Smiles entice, tender the touch,

         Yet fails to see what hides behind.


Ø Transported by out secret tryst,

        Left me blinded to the truth;

        From the moment my Angel fled,

        Arrived my bitter blues.

-Written to reflect on the illusory moments spent in stupidity!

-Published by Bhutan’s Newspaper ‘KUENSEL’ in December, 2001

Reproduced to fulfill the requirement of the Knowledge Management Course for

 M.Ed, Mahidol University.


Friday, February 22, 2013


                                        -by Pema Choidar

*      Souls retreat post twilight,

            Leaves rustle, float and flew,

            Curtain-raiser to windy night,

            Made the cold night so blue.

*      Insects clitter in the dark,

           Pelingchu purrs down dell,

           In the distant village, dogs bark,

           In the cool night, dew fell.

*      To faraway friends, thoughts fly,

            Body in the bed, mind elsewhere,

            Under the blanket, breaths sigh,

             Eyes close with last prayer.

*      Soft whisper wakes me to life,

           There she is like a light beaming,

            Her silky hair, my faithful wife,

            With winsome lips, eyes gleaming.

*      In her arms embraced tight,

           Smothering me with her kiss,

           My loneliness she puts to flight,

           To sleep in her arms is Bliss.

*      Somnolent moment unravels the fate,

            The starry night brings this boon,

            Opening the windows, I shall await

            The next midnight tryst, Miss Moon!


-Written to celebrate the Beauty of the Night at Decheling, Nganglam.

Published in the Bhutan’s National Newspaper ‘KUENSEL’ in February, 2004

Reproduced for Knowledge Management Course, M.Ed, Mahidol University, Thailand