Friday, March 1, 2013

timeless wisdom from afar.....

         Calling Guru!  
                         _/|\_      - Pema Choidar

From any corner of the universe and space;

May Guru hear my prayers of deep sincerity,

Feel my selfless devotion loud and clear

And this tearful moment win your Compassion!


May Guru bless your dreamy children from afar;

For we have nothing but the true hearts to offer,

Nobody but Guru to rely on when we are lost,

For the children always rejoice in Father’s Love.


May your words resound as the timeless Wisdom,

Like the early hours’ twitter which marks a new day.

May your blessing shower upon us through the Light,

Like the radiant sun that awakes the sleeping world!


 For all the Root Gurus (Teachers) who showed me where the Light is; and for the son who keeps failing to grasp It.
  - 2nd March, 2013 (6.19am) for the Knowledge Management Course, M.Ed (Management), Mahidol University.